Sunday, August 1, 2010

What to do when you meet bullies (I'm still figuring this one out) and a chat about leadership

Let me start off by saying that I never saw myself as capable of being a leader.

Back in primary school, I was always the kid that was either picked on or ignored. I was constantly apologetic, even though I never quite knew what I was apologizing for.

I definitely wasn't your stereotypical leader in high school.

I wasn't pretty. I wasn't blonde. I wasn't popular.

But somehow, despite all that, I still ended up with quite a few leadership roles in high school. All of which I failed in, of course. You know the leader who just sat there and didn't do anything for the group? Well... that was me. It wasn't because I didn't want to help my group out or because I didn't have ideas. Rather, it was because I had very little faith in my ability to lead.

And somehow or other, I ended up with another leadership role yet again. Maybe the heavens are giving me an opportunity to finally prove myself as a capable leader!!! I was excited, cautious and scared. My role wasn't such a big one (especially not when compared to lofty positions such as the President or the CEO of an international firm)... I was only a measly little residential assistant (links to wikipedia!), responsible for looking after my floor at the residential hall I'm staying at.

Surely I can manage that, right?

But unfortunately, as always, I didn't have such a brilliant start. Meet Mr. Mean, who also lives on my floor...  and was slightly disgruntled that I was chosen instead of him.


You know the guy who goes against your every single idea because he reckons he has a better one? Well, unfortunately, Mr Mean was that guy. He thought my ideas were lame, my leadership skills sucky (unfortunately, kinda agree with him on that one) and that I'm pretty much an idiot. It also didn't help that he was 2 Meters (7 feet?) tall and physically looked REALLY intimidating!

I found it really hard standing up for myself whenever he verbalized his thoughts about me... and I was supposed to somehow be his leader???

But today, I had a breakthrough.

I realized that I hadn't been the only one getting a mean vibe from Mr Mean. I had friends point out to me that they didn't like it when Mr Mean was being mean to me (unfortunately, I was his favourite victim). And who confirmed what I had suspected all along - Mr Mean has absolutely no respect for me.

And despite my sucky leadership skills, I knew one thing - A leader who doesn't respect themselves will never be respected.

Which lead to the confrontation...

I would like to say that today, Mr Mean and I settled our differences and became best friends for life. But unfortunately, I don't get my perfect ending just yet.

However, I am just so happy that I finally stood up for myself!

So if you have a Mr Mean in your life, don't be scared to challenge him! Unless, of course, he has a gun or a knife, in which case - RUN AWAY AND CALL THE POLICE!

As for leadership... just believe YOU can. That's the most important factor. There will always be difficult people and difficult situations - but when that happens, just keep on telling yourself that YOU can.

Never ever give up!