Sunday, September 26, 2010

Procrastination, Unrequited love & Future plans for this blog


1st of all, I want to say that it’s great to be blogging again! I didn’t have much time to blog while I was away at Uni, seeing that I was being the best student ever and studying all the time! That’s what I’d like to think anyways. In reality, I’ve been too busy getting involved in your average day young adult drama (depressed friends, loud arguments, unrequited love, etc etc) to write it all down.

I want to say thank you to everyone whose ever read or posted a comment here. Thanks for your encouragement! I really appreciate it!

Well, now that I’m back, I’ll give you a brief intro into my life at uni (otherwise known as college)...


Like your average Uni student, I left my Extremely Important Assignment till 3 days before it was due... and even then I decided to procrastinate just a little bit more.

Figure 1 –

Shows the normal stages of the progression of the disease Procrastination, which commonly affects university students. Note that the consumption of energy drinks (such as Red Bull) immediately following alcohol is not recommended.

From A not so typical girlog

Unfortunately, since I'm such an unique individual, the normal stages of procrastination didn't apply in my case.

Figure 2 –

Shows the progression of Procrastination in me.

From A not so typical girlog

Yup... that's right. The love of my life, my precious laptop, was infected by a horrid virus 3 days before my assignment - which I hadn't begun work on - was due.

Unrequited love

They say a picture is worth a thousand words... and so here it is.

Figure 3 –

Shows the silliness of teenage boys as they don't choose what’s obviously best for them (i.e. me!)

From A not so typical girlog

Need I say anymore?

Future of this blog

I really really want to keep this blog alive... but at the same time, due to my other million commitments, am unsure about how often I’m going to be able to post. But I will definitely post more often from December onwards, because I’ll be on holidays!!! See you soon!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What to do when you meet bullies (I'm still figuring this one out) and a chat about leadership

Let me start off by saying that I never saw myself as capable of being a leader.

Back in primary school, I was always the kid that was either picked on or ignored. I was constantly apologetic, even though I never quite knew what I was apologizing for.

I definitely wasn't your stereotypical leader in high school.

I wasn't pretty. I wasn't blonde. I wasn't popular.

But somehow, despite all that, I still ended up with quite a few leadership roles in high school. All of which I failed in, of course. You know the leader who just sat there and didn't do anything for the group? Well... that was me. It wasn't because I didn't want to help my group out or because I didn't have ideas. Rather, it was because I had very little faith in my ability to lead.

And somehow or other, I ended up with another leadership role yet again. Maybe the heavens are giving me an opportunity to finally prove myself as a capable leader!!! I was excited, cautious and scared. My role wasn't such a big one (especially not when compared to lofty positions such as the President or the CEO of an international firm)... I was only a measly little residential assistant (links to wikipedia!), responsible for looking after my floor at the residential hall I'm staying at.

Surely I can manage that, right?

But unfortunately, as always, I didn't have such a brilliant start. Meet Mr. Mean, who also lives on my floor...  and was slightly disgruntled that I was chosen instead of him.


You know the guy who goes against your every single idea because he reckons he has a better one? Well, unfortunately, Mr Mean was that guy. He thought my ideas were lame, my leadership skills sucky (unfortunately, kinda agree with him on that one) and that I'm pretty much an idiot. It also didn't help that he was 2 Meters (7 feet?) tall and physically looked REALLY intimidating!

I found it really hard standing up for myself whenever he verbalized his thoughts about me... and I was supposed to somehow be his leader???

But today, I had a breakthrough.

I realized that I hadn't been the only one getting a mean vibe from Mr Mean. I had friends point out to me that they didn't like it when Mr Mean was being mean to me (unfortunately, I was his favourite victim). And who confirmed what I had suspected all along - Mr Mean has absolutely no respect for me.

And despite my sucky leadership skills, I knew one thing - A leader who doesn't respect themselves will never be respected.

Which lead to the confrontation...

I would like to say that today, Mr Mean and I settled our differences and became best friends for life. But unfortunately, I don't get my perfect ending just yet.

However, I am just so happy that I finally stood up for myself!

So if you have a Mr Mean in your life, don't be scared to challenge him! Unless, of course, he has a gun or a knife, in which case - RUN AWAY AND CALL THE POLICE!

As for leadership... just believe YOU can. That's the most important factor. There will always be difficult people and difficult situations - but when that happens, just keep on telling yourself that YOU can.

Never ever give up!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How to and How Not to Pack

Information for lazy packers, like myself, or people who simply don’t have the time to pack their luggage (but have time to read blogs!).

It's time for me to leave home again soon, to start a brand new semester at Uni.

I tried to persuade my parents to let me stay at home - I begged, I pouted, I extorted, I stomped my feet, I tried out the psychological manipulation techniques freshly learnt from psych class... but all my parents did was shake their heads and grin at me.

"You'll enjoy it again in no time," they told me.

To make things worse, I'm gonna have to pack again! Unfortunately, as always, I left packing till the last minute... but since I hate packing so much, I decided to come online and write a blog post instead - about packing!

And so viola - here's my guide to packing for the moderately insane like myself.

1. Don’t pack your mobile phone and forget your battery recharger. If you do, your phone won’t be much use after a couple of days, unless it’s one of those high-tech solar charging ones.

2. If leaving for overseas, don’t bring a mobile phone that doesn’t have Roaming (ability to make calls in any country). Otherwise, it won’t be much use, unless you brought it along to be your lucky talisman.

3. Don’t pack your passport in a bag that you don’t personally carry. By “personally carry”, I mean that your passport containing bag has to be on you at all times. Yes, even when you are in the toilet. Afterall, you don't want people to steal your identity and do crazy things while pretending to be you.

4. If your luggage is in danger of being “overweight”, don’t pack anything that’s useless, like blank notebooks to scribble in or that Twilight novel you've read 20 times already. Did I just hear complaints? Well, at least I didn't say to put your luggage on a diet & exercise regime... which is guaranteed to work, except it might take a few months.

5. Pack early. Otherwise you’ll be buzzing around trying to find your favorite pair of jeans which seems to have “disappeared”. Oh, and you are assured that packing the day before your trip will result in an empty luggage and a mad luggage-holder. (Now, if only I listened to my own advice!)

6. Don’t count the number of books/CDs/etc that you bring to make sure that it doesn’t amount to thirteen. Packing isn’t the time for being superstitious.

7. Don’t waste time writing blogs like this one. There’ll be plenty of time for that when you get to your destination. 

Well, if you follow those seven commandments above, you should be fine for packing. If you don’t, I’m sure you’ll be fine too, as long as you keep a level head and don’t stress too much. If you are one of those lucky people with a robotic luggage packer or equivalent (i.e. if someone else helps you pack your luggage), don’t forget to thank whomever it is with a hug and a kiss.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

'Amazing' opportunities in my spam box

For those of you who don't sign up for everything on the internet, you probably don't get very many emails telling you about AMAZING business opportunities and that you absolutely have to buy this awesome product. But unfortunately, I'm one of those people who sign up for random things on the internet, such as those websites that promise that they'd never sell or distribute your email address.

And I have to tell you - if you don't sign up for those absolutely awesome sites, then you're missing out! Because look at all these awesome opportunities I've received since signing up:

Job opportunity - collecting payments from 'associates' of a doctor:

Maybe I should recommend this to my boyfriend... when I have a boyfriend:

Apparently I have the qualifications to manage a trust fund for a dying woman and her deceased husband:

So, as you guys can all see, I'm not writing this blog which hardly anybody reads because I don't have anything else to do. In fact, I have several other opportunities. However, I chose writing over the millions of dollars I was sure to earn through those opportunities because I absolutely adore you readers. And I'd love you even more if you could subscribe to my blog or become a follower.

Oh, and I crossed out the names of my potential employers/associates because I don't want you guys stealing my jobs, just in case I change my mind!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The key to happiness: Satisfaction

I was talking to a friend whom I haven't been in touch with for a while today and found out that she was going to attend an Ivy League university in September. So of course, I congratulated her and told her that I was proud of her - and I was. Even during that short time when we attended the same primary school, I knew that she was an exceptional girl and would go far... and she did.

But I couldn't help feeling a teeny bit jealous. I mean - I'm at a good university, studying something that I'm passionate about (hopefully...) and having an awesome time. So why the hell was I jealous?

To help you better understand my psyche, I'll give you a little bit more background to the story. Our primary school was a fairly competitive one and at the end of every year, the best student of each class was invited to the annual prizegiving. And every year, it was either her or me. So I guess back then, I always compared myself to her. I didn't see my results in terms of 'good results' or 'bad results' - but rather in terms of 'better than X' or 'worse than X'. Oh, did I mention that we were best friends, on top of that? But anyways - long story cut short: her family eventually moved to America, and we eventually drifted out of touch, until today.

Flashback: 7 years ago

Back then, when she'd get 1st place and I'd get 2nd, I'd sulk. Now, I realized, I was falling back into my old habit of sulking again.

That's when it struck me - I was never going to be happy if I wasn't satisfied with the way my life is. I'd always be comparing myself to others - now, I might be envious that she's going to an Ivy League college. Later on in life, I might envy my peers' lifestyle, their possessions, their happiness...

And as long as I kept on thinking along these lines, I was never going to be satisfied with my own life - and I was never going to be happy.

As the saying goes - the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. None of our lives are perfect, but mine is pretty damned good - I don't have to worry about where my next meal was gonna come from, I have a loving family & supportive friends and I have all the intellectual stimulation I can ever need at my current university.

All I wish now is that I actually meant my congradulations when I said it... that'll keep me guilty for the rest of eternity! Okay, I exaggerate... but seriously, a tinge of guilt combined with self pity isn't really the happiness cocktail we all wish we knew how to make.

Aside: She draws way better than I do too!!! Must she be blessed with everything!?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Best Youtube parodies - the best music on Youtube

There are enough sites recommending the hottest pop songs to listen to, so I'm not going to compile another list. We're familiar with popular music, sang by pop stars with familiar names, who ride in limos and wear million dollar outfits. Yet somehow, advertisers still manage to convince us that these pop stars have something in common with the rest of us, who don't have millions in our bank accounts and flawless bodies to boot. And so I reckon it's about time we exposed ourselves to music by ordinary people, for ordinary people.

It's still the same popular tunes you're familiar with, but with alternative viewpoints and storylines. Be ready to hear weird and wacky derivatives of your favourite songs.

1. You belong with me (Taylor Swift)
Parody by VenetianPrincess

In You belong with me, the nerdy & unpopular girl undergoes a ugly duckling to swan transformation at her school dance, where she walks in wearing a beautiful white dress, causing her crush to finally realize how beautiful she was all along.

Well, in this parody, our heroine similarly gets a beauty makeover. Except with one twist - she's a zombie. And her crush is too busy running away and hiding in the boy's bathroom to notice her inner beauty. Luckily, her dentist obviously has ways of changing her razor sharp teeth to normal looking ones, and after that transformation, her crush finally smiles at her instead of running away.

But there is a final twist - you'll have to watch it to fnd out. I guess it shows that no matter how much we try to change ourselves with the help of dentists and plastic surgeons, we still can't change who we are.

2. Your Love Is My Drug - Ke$ha
    Parody by 3shadeProductions
Instead of singing about being addicted to love like a drug (as Ke$ha did), this parody ditches the simile and is about being addicted to drugs. Instead of "your love is my drug", we've got "your drugs are my love".

3. Baby - Justin Bieber
Parody by davedays ft. Tay Zonday
To declare, at a tender age of 13, that you will never ever ever be apart from the love of your life is a little... intense. Apparently davedays thinks so too, and he shows us just how hilarious it is to propose to the love of your life and even think about names for your future children... when you can't even get your drivers license because you ain't old enough.

4. 7 Things - Miley Cyrus
Parody by davedays
The original 7 things is your typical love song. The parody is not. This is another absolutely hilarious parody by davedays that you gotta watch.

Davedays & Cardboard Miley Pic

5. Rude boy - Rihanna
Parody by CollegeHumour
Since half of Rude Boy is a mantra of "Come here rude boy, boy, can you get it up?", it's only natural that the Rude Boy might be a little nervous about all that is expected of him. And so here is the Rude Boy's response.

6. Telephone - Lady Gaga
 Parody by barelypolitical
Well, I guess stars do get special treatment in prison. How else would Lady Gaga have gotten all her bizzare costumes (including matching glittering bras and panties with all the other inmates)?

I'm not surprised that Beyonce (in the parody) had to be forced into filming the wacky music video for Telephone - where they poisoned everyone, including a cute dog.

2 proposals

Well, this is taking infidelity to an extreme... I think if a guy really wanted to have two girlfriends at once, I doubt he'd be proposing to both of them.